Learn to make money no matter what the market is doing! Every day some stocks move in BOTH directions - regardless of overall market activity. Learn to develop the best possible list of candidates each day, confirm them, and hedge against market risk using Downs' proprietary - and profit-producing - techniques. Move by move, Ed reveals methods for isolating the “prime movers” in any market, and which chart patterns signal great entry opportunities, and how to profitably exit every trade. Plus ...key technical concepts using trend lines, moving averages and support and resistance - for putting his playbook to work - for you. The stock market has changed - and the easy-money atmosphere of the 90's is gone. But - many investors continue profiting whether stocks are going up, down, or sideways - and you can be one of them. Twenty year trading veteran Ed Downs, developer of the popular OmniTrader software, tells exactly how to use basic chart patterns, proven timing techniques, and time-tested technical indicators to build a trading program that can make money no matter what the market is doing. Ed highlights exactly which chart patterns are best for defining entry/exit points, how to target the best trading vehicles and monitor key market indices as a timing guide. His powerful audio course - provides keen insight and direction on how short-term position players and day traders alike can continue prospering - whether the market is going up or cascading down.
You'll discover ...
· The art of profitably exiting a trade - and how to perfect it
· 7 Key Chart Patterns that signal entry opportunities
· How to Sell Short - a MUST for making money in today's markets.
Plus, learn to ...
· Use mechanical systems to find the best trading candidates.
· Recognize - and use - support and resistance levels
· Monitor index movements to determine market direction.
· Analyze trend lines to determine the market's “moods”
· Use technical indicators to “weight” your portfolio - and more!