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Mark Douglas - Mental Toughness 7 DVD

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Product Description

Mark Douglas – Mental Toughness – How To Think Your Way To Consistent Results Home Study Trading Course

7 DVD in AVI Format

Dear Fellow Trader:


Do you answer YES to any of these trading questions?


  • Do you ever break your rules even when you know better?
  • After a few consecutive trading losses, do you lose all confidence in your abilities to perform at a maximum level?
  • Have you ever had a trade move against you because you were paralyzed with fear?
  • Do you ever not take signals because of fear of loss?


If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, then your mind is sabotaging your trading results. And this sabotage is likely costing you lots of money…and it’s likely making some of your days quite miserable.

My name is Mark Douglas and a decade ago, I wrote the best-selling book The Disciplined Trader which has helped tens of thousands of traders. My latest book, Trading In The Zone, expanded my work to reflect today’s markets.


And now, through my new 16-hour video course and workbook, you will learn how to drastically improve your trading results and trading strengths.


Among the things you will learn from my hands-on seminar are:


How to identify and eliminate your self-sabotaging beliefs while maximizing your trading strengths. Which of your beliefs are sabotaging your trading? Eliminate them! I will teach you how by:

  • by asking the right questions
  • consciously refocusing
  • restructuring your mental environment

How to model the belief systems of the world’s most successful traders. I will teach you the beliefs that enable you to become a superior trader. I will tell you what they are and how to make them yours and how to integrate those beliefs so that constant success is a natural function of “who you are.”


How to stay in sync with the market and stop fighting it. Are you assuming that you know what will happen next? What are the consequences of that? Here’s how to let the market dictate your actions.


How to put yourself into the most conducive state to win and then maximize your results!


How to adapt and be rewarded. The marines embrace this philosophy and so should you! You will receive a real world life-changing philosophy to immediately impact your trading.


The four basic trading fears…and the best techniques to eliminate them. Through the use of my custom developed tapes, you will learn to purge and eliminate the major sources of trading errors.


How to create and maintain a relaxed state state of mind by learning to think in probabilities.


How to develop the most ideal trading plan for you. Combine the mechanical, subjective, and intuitive approaches into the your trading plan for long-term success.


At the end of my workshop you will see the markets differently, have the ability to eliminate money-costing beliefs and most importantly, see trading for all its infinite potential.

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